Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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Message of the honorable Deputy Commissioner


In this age of globalization, sustainable development is largely dependent on the development of information technology. In order to survive in the current world based on free market economy and technology, the free exchange of information must be ensured. It is possible to exchange information in the shortest time with the use of a computer. Through the use of computers we can get internet and e-mail connection; It is possible to access the information super highway.Various professionals face problems in their daily activities. The present era is the age of information technology. The mechanical power of mobile, internet and fax, etc. has made the distance near and difficult making it easier and saves time and money. The government has set the target of building Digital Bangladesh by 2021.One of the steps to achieve this goal in the "Web Portal". According to the government's decision, the district administration is making every effort to construct the "Web Portal". According to the Right to Information Act, 20, a responsible officer has been appointed and information center has been opened to ensure people's right to information.The information center is easily accessible to the public. Apart from this, necessary measures are being taken in the matter of applications / complaints received from the public. This ensures transparency and accountability in the administration's activities.The district administration, Pabna, has made every effort to mobilize government activities and introduce digital methods for direct citizen service by sharing information with the district administration through the Internet. The main objective is to introduce a digital approach to citizen service in the shortest time. Finally it can be said that anyone interested in learning about Pabna can find any information about Pabna through the "Web Portal".Any suggestions for making the web portal more public and welfare free will be warmly and gratefully received. I extend my sincere thanks to those whose sincere efforts and hard work have made this "Web Portal